
Friday, April 20, 2007

so what makes it right to do something?
when you think that that there is nothing wrong with it?
when you weigh the pros and cons of something and and cons dont seem to exist?
or is it right when is simply not wrong.
so what is it that makes something right?

what makes something wrong?
when it goes against someone's morals and ethics?
but what if its only one person thinking that way?

define right and wrong.
if everything else can be defined.
why not that?
if its only morals and ethics to tell you so.
so what happens when they get thrown out the door and never entered the picture?
the definition would just drop dead and die.

when something you do goes against your morals and no one elses, does that make it right or wrong?
wrong because its not right to everyone else?
do you still go ahead and do it?

you go and do something you think is right.
but everyone else tells you its wrong to do such a thing.
would you still think that you did the right thing after that?
will you still stand by your decision?

its all the grey areas i suppose.
thats why.

nothing is is entirely right or wrong.
when you can justify it.

but think about it.

what makes an action or a decision right or wrong?

even thinking about it for the whole bloody day doesn't seem to give me an answer.
and i hate it when stupid questions like these pop into my mind and i'm unable to answer them.

somethings never change.
i still can't believe at after so long.
you're still so hung up on him.
he isnt the only one for you.
but you can't seem to see that.
maybe i'm just assuming.
and maybe i'm just wrong.
but from what i see and what i know.
its him alright.
but can you be sure that he'll be the one making you happy when he hurt you so damn badly in the first place?
i can't do anything.
i can't make decisions for you.
so all i can do is tell you this.
what ever decisions you make.
i'll be here for you.
and if you fall.
i'll be there to catch you.
when all you see is darkness.
i'll be the one holding you hand to the light.
thats what i'm willing to do for you.
cause you're my friend.
and i love you.
so all the best in that you think its right.
and stand by your decision.
no one ever said that relationships are easy.
but if love and trust is the foundation.
i'm sure that everything will be just fine.


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